Charity knitting drive - baby ventilator hats

It happened- I have finally learnt how to knit. It took a while to get used to the new techniques however the transition from crochet to knitting was a lot smoother than I expected. I already knew how to do a knit stitch so my first challenge was to learn the basic stocking stitch (knit-pearl alternate rows). Luckily, due to knitted previously, my tension was fine making it a lot easier to get on with my first task- a scarf... I feel like the classic mistake of choosing a big project as a first challenge, however,  it defiantly made me practise my stitches! Unsurprisingly to no-one, the scarf is still a work in progress... for now I have a new ongoing project: making as many baby hats as possible!
I'm part of a small group at uni who supply wool and needles for free if the project is for charity. Since my shelves are full of homemade crochet toys and, at the moment, there isn't something pressing I want to make, I decided that it would be a perfect time for a charity drive. The pattern for the hats was provided by the uni and the products will be donated to our local QMC hospital. The ventilator hats are more needed than the simple beanies so I am currently pressing on with making those.
Our aims:
- My friend and I aim to make 15 hats by the end of the term
- I aim to make 50 hats by the end of uni
- Hopefully get other members of the group involved too

There are 3 sizes of baby hat- here I have done 
the sizes ranging from XS, S, M

I have currently been making them for the past 2 weeks and have completed 4 (minus buttons) so I think it will be highly likely we hit our goal! I'm finding them really satisfying for multiple reasons: firstly, the finished piece is being donated which is a major feel good factor as hopefully it will help a baby somewhere; secondly, they are really quick to make and it's so satisfying being able to fully finish a project; thirdly they are such good practise for a beginner as the only stitches needed are knit and pearl with which you do garter stitch, stocking and ribbed. There is also practise of casting on and reducing the number of stitches...really I just love everything about it.

Maybe knitting was for me after-all
Why not do a bit of charity this week

4mm needles using 100% acrylic wool (any DK baby wool is fine as long as
does not contain wool)


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