Simple but cute plant pot upcycle
In a couple of weeks I will be moving into university halls which I'll be calling home for the next year. I have had a collection of cacti lining my windowsill at home for the last couple of years and it has made my room feel even more cosy and just lovely to be in. Benefits of cacti include being slow growing (so less likely to need repotting), little care (just a small tsunami every now and then) and no greenfly! What could be better!!
Thus, I really want to take a couple of cacti to my uni room however I also want the pots to fit in with the colour scheme I'm going with (muted tones including dull greens and purples)
I got these cute sized plant pots from Homebase for only 89p each! Bargain! They are proper terracotta pots which I much prefer to any plastic ones just for aesthetic reasons. You could use any spare pots you have lying around though so as not to gain more clutter.
The first stage is to paint over the terracotta colour with a thick white. I used up a sample pot that we acquired at some point in the past and has lived in the cupboard for years. Another joy of home crafts is being able to use up old supplies so that your home can slowly become less cluttered!
You do not need to paint the rim too thoroughly as this will be painted over with a colour in the next step. Do ensure you paint a little bit inside the pot near the top as, although the plant will cover the majority of the inside, you will still be able to see a small slither.
The rim of each pot was painted in a colour that fit in with my scheme and already look so much cuter! I toyed with the idea of doing them all the same green colour as that is my favourite out of the three but thought it may have been a bit of an overkill since they may all be next to each other in my room depending on how much room I have.
Finally, I added hundreds of dots onto each pot using the end of a paintbrush. For each pot I did 2 colours for the dots just to add some variation and it looks really effective! The purple and pink ones are composed of the same colours (as I was trying not to buy anymore paint), however, when separated by the green, you cannot tell.
With a small cactus added inside they will be the perfect addition to my room :)
The other pots featured in the first photo were made by dropping different coloured nail varnish into warm water (so that it all separates) then dipping the pre white-washed pot into it. This creates such lovely results however it is really hard to get it to look exactly how you want and so the end result is variable! Also, overtime the nail varnish starts to chip off so make sure you spray it with some kind of sealant glue.
Why not give it a go
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